
Measuring Minds Blog

Inclusive Gift Ideas: Thoughtful Presents for Neurodiverse Kids

Inclusive Gift Ideas: Thoughtful Presents for Neurodiverse Kids


The art of gift-giving takes on a special significance when it comes to children with neurodiversity. As a school

Managing Holiday Meltdowns: Coping Strategies for Parents

Managing Holiday Meltdowns: Coping Strategies for Parents


The holiday season, while filled with joy and excitement, can also be a time of stress and overwhelm, particularly for

Creating a Sensory-Friendly Holiday Environment

Creating a Sensory-Friendly Holiday Environment


The holiday season is a time of joy, celebration, and togetherness. However, for children with sensory processing challenges, the sights, sounds, and

Advantages of Early Identification: Giftedness in PreKindergarten 

Advantages of Early Identification: Giftedness in PreKindergarten



Early identification of giftedness can set the stage for a child’s educational success. In Palm Beach County, recognizing and

Empowering Every Child: What to Do If My Child Is Not Gifted

Empowering Every Child: What to Do If My Child Is Not Gifted



Discover how to make the most of your child’s educational journey, even if they’re

Preparing Your PreK Child for Gifted Evaluations in Palm Beach County: A Parent’s Guide

Preparing Your PreK Child for Gifted Evaluations in Palm Beach County: A Parent’s Guide



Preparing your child for PreK gifted evaluations in Palm Beach County is

Find out what’s really on your child’s mind

Measuring Minds

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